Humans on the Move (Institutions for Open Societies)

Introduction to the topic
Stichting Vluchteling is a humanitarian organization working in over 30 countries with partner organizations supporting refugees, internally displaced people and returnees. With our own communication and relations with different media outlets, we try to raise attention to conflicts to increase awareness about these conflicts with the Dutch public. Questions around migration are placed high on the political and legal agendas, especially after the recent European elections and the priorities of the Dutch government. The participants of this TIC will contribute to a deeper understanding of migration dynamics and awareness of the younger part of society as for Stichting Vluchteling the strategy on how to involve the younger generation (18-25 years) still needs further development.
Research question
How can Stichting Vluchteling increase awareness among the young generation (18-25 years) of so-called neglected crises in the world such as Yemen and Congo (DRC) and the impact this neglect has in terms of displacement?
Challenge details
This challenge requires the exploration of how NGOs with various communication channels can influence awareness and how such an awareness could, potentially, lead to more pressure on policymakers to work on changes and solutions for people on the move. Further investigation is, firstly, needed about the existence of neglected conflict and the risks of displacement that this produces. Secondly, work on innovative visual solutions could help involve the younger generation more in so-called neglected crises.